Eerie Reality| Part 1

As a small child, my life revolved around doll-houses, huge colorful beach balls, cycling, Tom & Jerry, coloring, painting, and playing all day long. Computer for me was paint and pinball. Google was a word unknown, and so was internet itself. Fairy tales were true, happening somewhere far away. My li’l mind used to get fascinated by things deserving fascination. Do unicorns exist? How does an airplane fly in the sky? How do ants walk in a single line? I might have even spent entire days following the ants, trying to find out where exactly was their home. Hoping to see a real rainbow after rain, I would wait in the backyard trying to catch it’s first glimpse. That was life for me. Hardly a decade ago.

The world has changed now. Today’s kids are different. Eerily different. One told me that he had a friend at school who was a “girl”, and went on to explain she was just a friend and not a “girlfriend”. Another cousin of mine was browsing videos on youtube. After asking her what she was up to, she confessed that she wasn’t allowed to access “such” videos in front of her parents, so she had to do it stealthily. Another cousin, who has been denied access to facebook by her parents,  secretly updates “love” statuses at 3 am in the night. I feel at a loss for words. Where in the world did they learn all this from? Where has that sweet innocence disappeared?

Personally, I feel unsafe browsing on the internet. The amount of vulgarity that has polluted these search engines makes me feel so insecure. The other day I was googling for something and was just typing “How to…” in Google and I knew what usually appears coz I’m used to it. But, my Mom happened to glance at the screen in that split second and she was shocked. “What was that?!” “Umm..I dunno.. google is crazy… people are crazy”, was all I could say. I was embarrassed. You deactivate Facebook or twitter, coz your friends have crossed limits of immodesty and you can’t take it in anymore. You join wordpress or blogspot or tumblr instead- to vent out, to make new friends, to socialize a little. They do the same. No one feels ashamed to talk about *** anymore. Rather, they love to discuss these hot topics! Anyway, the point is that everything on the internet seems extremely polluted to me. Not just on the internet, everywhere else too. In the novels, newspapers, magazines, on the street, on television shows, in the movies. Almost everywhere.

The question is, How should we save ourselves from these traps of Shaytaan? He makes it look all pleasing and okay to do. No big deal. Everyone does it, Why don’t you? Just do it. Go on. It’s okay….. And, he goes on and on….whispering softly and constantly, a little more each day.

You see, anyone who is weak in faith will easily slip away, will easily be deluded. Not just those weak in faith, it doesn’t take long for anyone who is strong too.

Okay. Perhaps, I ranted a lot. But, I’m not done yet, got a lot more to say, inshaAllah. But, will spare you for now, dear reader.

Lastly, to blurt out the truth, I’m intimidated by this new face of the world. I’m not just afraid for my soul, but also for the souls of my brothers and sisters in Islam and even other people of other faiths.

I pray to Allah ‘azza wa jal to purify our souls from these impurities and protect us from the evil traps of Shaytaan. Ameen.


  1. Sadly, you’re right – and this has been the way the world has been going for a very long time. For me, it would be perfect to just run away and live somewhere where these things aren’t so prevalent. But the only places I know of like that are Madinah and Makkah…those are the only places that are still ‘relatively’ pure…and perhaps it’s no coincidence that those are the only 2 places on earth that Dajjal will not be able to enter.

    In any case, most of us can’t run away from it. It’s everywhere, and it’s a sign of the rapidly-degenerating world we live in. The best advice I’ve heard is the Quranic theme of changing yourself first – starting within – for Allah won’t change our condition on a large scale until we change what is within ourselves on the individual level. Then saving ourselves and our families from the fire – which to me also shows that the priority needs to be what is within our reach first.

    The ulama know this and advise this, but it’s for us to implement. We can moan and complain about social ills and filth all we want, but we’ll never change the world until we take action; and that action has to be personal and within our close circles first.
    And parents have to be wise and figure out how to balance things in this spiritually-polluted world. We can’t just ban everything for kids – or like you saw, they go and do it behind your back. So it’s a tricky thing, but work that is critical.

    May Allah help us all succeed.


    1. JazakaAllahu khairan for your input, brother. Well said, masha Allah, I can’t agree with you more! 🙂

      Change definitely begins with oneself. If we effectively hold on to the principles of the Quran and Sunnah and firmly apply them in our lives, then gradually others around us will be affected bi ith-nillah, it’s like a chain reaction.

      Also, Da’wah plays an important role. In some cases, da’wah becomes fard ‘ain, and nowadays we seriously need effective da’wah. I feel there’s a need for constant reminders regarding evils of social networking, hijab, mixing with opposite genders, basically youth problems. Even though we know what’s right and what’s wrong, we find ourselves slipping every now and then. And that’s exactly what scares me. Allahu yassir alaina.

      Ya muqallibal-quloob, sabbit quloobuna ala taa’atak.

      Thanks for your comment, bro. I really appreciate it! You gave me points for the next part, inshaAllah! 🙂


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